Ricky Dearman Children


In videos that were viewed four million times worldwide, actor Ricky Dearman was accused by his own children of abusing them and of being a satanic cult leader. Ricky Dearman The mother's story. The safety of children takes precedence over adult's safety.There is no choice but to go public as the.

Father of two, Ricky Dearman has been victim of a brutal campaign spearheaded by his wife which saw him branded as a cult leader and accused him of sexually abusing his own children. According to Ella, once her children were born, Ricky Dearman never contributed financially to raising their children other than £10 per child per month from about 2011 to 2014.xxxvi The father allegedly spent zero quality time with his two kids, never reading a book to them or playing games as expected of a caring dad. Their father Ricky Dearman is accused of being the leader of the cult and forces the children to sacrifice imported babies and then drink their blood. The harrowing claims continue with dancing around baby skulls, shoes made from the babies flesh and much much more.

By Jon Kelly

Vancouver, BC – An exclusive new video published to YouTube on April 22, 2015, purports to reveal how British actor Ricky Dearman’s unwitting utterance of a satanic verse written in the Bible forms a profoundly disturbing connection to a case involving claims of horrific institutionalized child abuse. “Ricky Dearman’s Satanic Verses” investigates a besieged father responding to allegations he leads a North London-based satanic cult focused on ritual murder, pedophilia and human trafficking. A new message stating “Satan” is located “on the Earth” emerges from within a digital voice sample inviting comparison with a passage from the biblical Job. Today’s publication furthers arguments presented by NewsInsideOut.comconcerning this explosive case previously highlighted on Facebook and YouTube.

The manner in which the unconscious broadcast disclosure unfolds is reminiscent of the William Friedkin 1973 adaptation of William Peter Blatty’s “The Exorcist,” a supernatural horror film in which a demon-possessed youth speaks backwards. Evidence reveals mirror filtering of audio soundtracks allows a person’s unconscious, sleep talking-like voice to emerge from within a recording to reveal deeper truths.

Ricky dearman resurfaces with children

“Ricky Dearman’s Satanic Verses” subjects Ricky Dearman’s April 20, 2015, BBC interview to lossless digital mirror filtering whereby portions of the audio reveal apparently intelligible phrases encrypted backwards within his speech. In an era when scientists have discovered a second code hiding within DNA it is a matter of public record that this innovative analytic procedure (popularized through late-night talk radio during the 1990s) has revealed the signatures of unconscious sleep talking-like communications disclosing verifiably factual information characterized by precision that anticipated details of the Iraq War, identified the BTK Killer, named Russian spy Anna Chapman’s accomplice and disclosed Edward Snowden’s UFOs. A partial transcript appears below identifying the message encrypted therein.

Satan’s life on Earth: Killing: “I think very much so. One video in the first ten days. Nearly 300,000 views. One video. There’s now hundreds of them all over.”

According to an online version of the New King James Version of the Bible, the Book of Job locates “Satan” “on the Earth.” Job has been cited as the oldest biblical text praised as “the greatest poem of ancient and modern times,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 19th century Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland.


Job 1:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV) states:

6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan[a] also came among them. 7 And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?”

So Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”

Ricky Dearman Kids Interviewed Youtube


The “wandering assassin” motif emblazoned upon the mirror-reflected BBC recording fuels further speculation and anticipation pending appeals of the case, dismissed last month by Mrs. Justice Pauffley of the British High Court.

Narrative storytelling embraces the notion that correlation implies causality. Yale Professor Edward Tufte suggests that correlation offers scientific “hints” to causation. This message calls out in a way that could signify further evidence overlooked in the Court’s decision. NewsInsideOut.com had published the document “Anonymous Leaks Satanic Cult Member Names, Places, Phone #s, Emails” while urging members of the public to “to demand action to prosecute all named participating criminal ritual sacrifice network members and facilitators in police, social services and elsewhere.”

The fortuitous research at an intersection between worlds of ideas suggested by the findings invites deeper and continued exploration into the role of sound and its influence upon consciousness. A comparative study has revealed parallels between a high-profile murder suspect and the identifying “demonic possession” marker that the “BTK Killer” later spoke of on-camera, attesting to his being “possessed by a demon.”

This evidence furthermore substantiates earlier NewsInsideOut.com reporting including specifically enumerated, detailed and corroborated eye witness testimony. The father of pedophile whistleblowers Alissa and Gabriel told BBC host Victoria Derbyshire how their video statements exposing child sexual abuse had received hundreds of thousands of views online during an interview that aired earlier this week.

Ricky Dearman Children Where Are They Now

In a related case, a Bristol paedophile gang was convicted on conspiracy charges of raping and abusing babies, toddlers and children under five in attacks that were then streamed on the internet for other paedophile to watch, states a report in today’s Telegraph. Members were described as “”incredibly skilled” at grooming victims’ families, even striking up relationships with pregnant women to abuse their babies.”

The video also discusses the role played by BBC in covering up and facilitating more than 40 years of predation by Jimmy Savile resulting in an estimated 1,000 victims. The Guardian had reported, “Peter Saunders, chief executive of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood (Napac), which has been consulted by Smith’s inquiry, said: “In Savile’s lifetime I wouldn’t doubt [that 1,000 people had been abused by him on BBC property]. The other thing I have found extraordinary, and very sad, is the number of people I have spoken to connected to the BBC, and that is a lot of people, who said: ‘Oh yes, we all knew about him.’”

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February 1, 2018

From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com

Ricky Dearman Kids Pictures

To: hampsteadgroup
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 09:21:30 +0530
Attachments: rickydearman2.jpg (21.3 KB), alisadearman.jpg (27.5 KB),
gabrieldearman.jpg (30.7 KB), elladraper.jpg (19.2 KB)

Institute of Satanic Studies

Ricky Dearman Resurfaces With Children

St Anthony – battling vampires, werewolves, demo(n)crats, capitalists, and every goddam alphabet agency under the sun
Hi, sailors, just added a new crew member, Jake ‘Morpheus’ Morphonios, 44, in Kernersville, NC to the good ship Lollipop sailing to destinations unknown, but I can assure you its gonna be one helluva ride!! By the way, Jake is a top secret black ops agent codenamed Morpheus or just plain ‘M’ as in James Bond and can be reached at www.blackstoneintel.com. Meanwhile, our ‘X-Girl’, Angela Disney, 60, in Oldcastle, Co Meath has just discovered that top Satanic Hampstead baby eater, Ricky Dearman, 48, has escaped to Los Angeles along with his 2 satanically-abused kids, Alisa, 12, and Gabriel, 11, and was last seen heading to the Satanic Ritual Child Abuse HQ at the Getty Centre in downtown LA. O well, trust the NHS psycho Mengele docs to let him leave UK to sacrifice his kids to Satan at the Getty SRCA Centre at www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOnIzawFmiI. So, remember, all kids taken into the Getty Centre never come out alive or dead ie. they’re literally eaten alive!! Meanwhile, please don’t get confused with our other Jake whose 30th birthday was on 26th Jan 2018 who is having a spot of bother with the men in white coats, but appears to be still in good spirits judging by his last E-Mail. So, folks, check out the Blackstone site and the Getty SRCA vid and literally blow your mind!!
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635
Date 2nd Feb 2018

Ricky Dearman Children Now Today

From: jake morphonios <blackstoneintel@protonmail.com>

To: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Jake Morphonios
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 00:33:30 -0500
Interesting write-up. Nice job. You seem to have a lot of interest and knowledge about these subjects. Jake
From: angela disney <angelapowerba@hotmail.com>
To: cosmicrf@hotmail.come
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Jake!
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 16:16:30 +0000
Wow Anthony, Still keeping you in my prayers regarding your court case. Be gentle with Jake a brave yet gentle soul. Big sh~t going on with Hampstead and another campaigner arrested. Ricky Dearman is alleged to be in Los Angeles with the Hampstead children, dear God, and I have made face to face contact with someone used by Scotland Yard on the case, but who smelt a rat and referred it on. Rupert Q is back in the US gagged forever – let’s hope he ignores it. I am breaking ranks with Belinda McKenzie feeling she may be an Esther Rantzen-type gatekeeper as there are just too many paedos around her, including Terence Ewing who is the dear friend of horror Bishop of Medway, Roger Gleaves. F~cking nightmare to navigate this so-called truth movement. Anyway blessings to you and yours, Angie
From: jake clarke <truthlightdark@gmail.com>
To: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Jake!
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 03:34:30 +0000
You’re a miracle. God bless, Jake

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Ricky Dearman Children

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